An Important Update From Us At Waliz Nuts On Covid-19

As you are aware the Australian Government continues to respond and introduce new measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. These measures have had a direct impact on how we do things at Waliz Nuts. 

We are committed to doing everything we can to slow the spread of Coronavirus, and this means operating responsibly and abiding by the recommendations set forth by the Government and State regulations. We take our processing facility’s role and our staff interactions with growers as a major link in the supply chain very seriously.

We are in regular contact with our partner de-husking facility Summerland Farm. We can assure you that Summerland Farm has implemented comprehensive measures to ensure we protect the integrity of the macadamia industry and food supply chain. 

At our processing facility, we have implemented the below key measures and practices for ALL stakeholders. This includes updating our protocols around interactions with growers to ensure the health and safety of our staff. 

Please see below the key measures and practices implemented at Waliz Nuts for ALL growers and stakeholders. To protect the integrity of the food industry and supply chain, all our stakeholders MUST comply with these measures. 

At our processing facility

  • Implementing all relevant processes for our team members as per the latest Government health advice
  • Implementation of risk assessments associated with each function of our business on site, and taking the necessary actions
  • Monitoring overseas travel for employees who have just returned (as well as family returning from overseas) and are about to commence back at work
  • Reiteration of the current practice whereby team members who may feel unwell do not attend work and if presenting flu like symptoms to self-isolate at home.
  • Contactless Delivery Protocols are being used
  • Dedicated unloading zones and procedures for principal transportation companies (e.g. Hillmac) including onsite competency approvals and training will be completed – staff are to wear gloves, maintain social distancing of 2m from all persons and alert driver of pick up and drop off points
  • A ban on hand shaking and other physical contacts.
  • Avoiding onsite face to face meetings, if unavoidable these will be arranged and carried out outside keeping 2m distance from all persons
  • All staff and Casuals will be assessed daily for their ‘fitness to work’
  • Factory staff will implement social distancing keeping 2m distance from all persons inside the processing facility
  • Direction that all office workers who can work from home do so
  • Direction that all staff limit their interactions outside of work
  • Increased frequency of hand washing and sanitisation throughout shift with dedicated areas and visible signage throughout factory and warehouse
  • In the event a Waliz Nuts employee advises they have flu like symptoms, the Factory Manager and Director will be notified immediately and assessment of impact carried out

For our growers

  • NO access permitted into any building on site
  • NO access (including delivery drivers and growers) to site without first calling ahead to Garth on 0432 119 949 or Paul on 0401 625 522
  • ALL skip pick-ups must be co-ordinated with Garth to arrange pick up with Hillmac. To ensure we limit exposure of our staff we advise all growers to follow “Contactless Delivery Principles” 
  • NO field bins will be dropped off by Garth. We ask growers to opt for skip bins until Covid-19 restrictions are lifted to ensure we limit exposure of our staff
  • ALL skip or field bin deliveries will be prepared for unloading by the delivering driver and unloading is to be completed by Waliz Nuts Forklift drivers (the delivery driver may act as spotter only)
  • ALL deliveries to Waliz Nuts processing facility will follow “Contactless Delivery Principals” 
  • DELIVERIES will be kept to as short a time on site as possible. Once unloading has been completed, drivers/vehicles should immediately exit the site
  • ANY paperwork to be handed to the representing Waliz Nuts staff member who will be wearing gloves
  • MAINTAIN social distancing practices by keeping 2m distance from all persons

We ask that you work with us through these updated procedures. We ask you to respect and understand the need to keep public confidence in our industry and products. 100% compliance is vital for us to do this. We thank you in advance for your complete co-operation.

The good news is you can still support us by buying premium Australian macadamia products through our online store. We are still safely producing our products and continuing our packing services.

Kind Regards,
Paul Hudson